Records: Nosrep Just don't

"You seem to like these mystery twelves as much as we do, so heres a REALLY good one for you. Artist and label wish to remain annonymous on this one, but the clues are all there if you look long enough, and the answer to the puzzle will make you take extra good care of this twelve. What you get for your hard earned is a totally mashed up slab of intricately jacked-up hip hop decimations, a gargantuan monster ripping into a certain rap classic from Cold Chillin’s most dangerous hardcore rapper and a barrel load of crunk rap and r’n’b heroines. This ain’t no simple blend type shiz - think pure advancement that crushes all comers into a messy pulp while bigging up the Shadetek massive. Dancefloor bombs mix with gutterized head mash acid hop, no hanging around yhear!?!?!!!!! Massive."
"IDM is dead. But as any horror movie enthusiast of the last few decades could tell you, sometimes the dead don’t know it yet. Pesky, tragic and weirdly (whisper it) cute, sometimes the dead have a funny way of rising up and stumbling around and gnawing on passersby before they finally stop twitching and give it up for real.A case in point is this faceless entity from Switzerland which strides forth from the jaws of the crypt clutching a fragment of Rakim intoning, of course, “Been a long time, I shouldn’t have left you” like an 8-bit revenant. Hard crunchy flanged beats, overly filigreed electro exoskeletons, mp3-converted ghosted-n-ripped hiphop-n-pop and hostage R&B divas-- you know the drill. The combination’s rather familiarby now, and yet it lurches on tenaciously. With sufficient volume at a party, the wax would still lead with brutal efficiency to zombie shoulder rolling behavior on the dancefloor. The lesson: IDM is dead, long live IDM." (Drew Daniel)
SM019 06/2005
IDM is dead. But as any horror movie enthusiast of the last few decades could tell you, sometimes the dead don’t know it yet. Pesky, tragic and weirdly (whisper it) cute, sometimes the dead have a funny way of rising up and stumbling around and gnawing on passersby before they finally stop twitching and give it up for real.A case in point is this faceless entity from Switzerland which strides forth from the jaws of the crypt clutching a fragment of Rakim intoning, of course, “Been a long time, I shouldn’t have left you” like an 8-bit revenant. Hard crunchy flanged beats, overly filigreed electro exoskeletons, mp3-converted ghosted-n-ripped hiphop-n-pop and hostage R&B divas-- you know the drill. The combination’s rather familiar
by now, and yet it lurches on tenaciously. With sufficient volume at a party, the wax would still lead with brutal efficiency to zombie shoulder rolling behavior on the dancefloor. The lesson: IDM is dead, long live IDM. [Drew Daniel]
Michael "Koko" Eberli
Drumhacking, Synthbending
Dominik Brun del Re
Drumhacking, SynthBending