Records: Strengir Hrynja

"This superb debut from Icelander Gisli Thor Gudmundsson is a small masterpiece of abstract, deep sea Techno, recalling the golden moments of 90s Intelligent Dance Music as purveyed by Autechre and Ken Ishii.
Traject displays the same uncanny sleight of hand, his music constantly folding itself into new shapes, particularly on the extraordinary "Path".
The whole album is faboulously produced - there's an immense sonic depth and range on display in these pieces, a hyperreal opulence that makes for an experience almost too delicous to indulge in without feeling quilty"
Keith Moliné, THE WIRE (issue 244, june 2004)"
"Strengir Hrynja represents a peak for Traject but also for the relatively new Zurich label Spezial Material. Certainly it’s indebted to Autechre and Gescom for its general style but Gudmundsson boldly pushes the album into an even more challenging realm of cold, abstract IDM. Listening to it, one marvels at its construction, while being simultaneously awed by its alien sonic universe."
Stylus Magazine B+
The emphasis here is on robust, icy, deeply icelandic electronic fragmentation, inevitably bringing to mind Autechre at their most condensed. "Water For Muddy People" unfolds and opens the set with aquatic emphasis, slowed-up layers of percussion that take their time settling down with a discernable groove, a cacophony of drenched noises and soundscaping making for a hypnotic, trance-like listen through digital oceans of sound. "Chkal" is killer - a rotating snap of shattered beats and hammered strings orchestrated in the darkest tradition of IDM - a squashed haze of melody and beats littered with a sparing scatter of voice and distant MC rhymes. Awesome.
Fans of Autechre's EP7 and the more dancefloor focused Gescom will find much to admire here - Spezial material continues to build its impressive and highly collectable catalogue. Deep. - Album of the week
"Með þessari frumraun sinni hefur Gísli Þór Guðmundsson skotist í fremstu röð íslenskra raftónlistarmanna. Hljóðaheimur hans er fjölskrúðugur og hugmyndaflugið óstöðvandi. Þessi plata hans er ekkert léttmeti en á henni talsvert af músík sem ætti að falla flestum raftónlistarvinum í geð."
Morgunblaðið 5/5
SM013CD008/SM013LP003 03/2004